We are extremely excited to announce that Assurance Technology has qualify for SmartCMS Gold Partner status as of March 2022,.

This information is published on SmartCMS website on 1st April 2022 (https://www.ihis.com.sg/SmartCMS_Programme).

SmartCMS is a platform by IHiS to enable seamless information flow between clinics and public healthcare systems.

Assurance Technology is the only CMS provider to achieve GOLD PARTNER status.

These comprehensive integrations allow clinics to submit claims and clinical data directly to public healthcare systems via Clinic Assist Software through simply clicks.

Doctors and clinic staffs no longer have to go online to manually submit claims and data.

As a strong believer in innovation and digitization, we will continue to enhance our software to assist clinics to keep pace with the constant evolving requirements.

* Clinic Assist Software is a proprietary clinic management software developed by Assurance Technology Pte Ltd.